The Weekender: Birthday and Fourth of July Edition

Why is it that weekends and holidays always go by so fast? Crazy to think that 5 days ago I was heading home for my birthday and holiday time off yet here I am gathering my things to head back to Madison for work. Blah.

I spent a lot of time waiting for a skype call from J. Unfortunately he’s been swamped with work over there (who knows what he’s actually doing…) so he has not been able to skype me. He did call last night though thank goodness!!

On Wednesday I had a half day of work because I had to go get pretty for a photo shoot. Like I’ve mentioned in previous posts I’ve found that breaking the 9-10 months into smaller increments makes the deployment go ‘quicker’ so I scheduled a photo shoot for fun. And it was SO MUCH FUN. Except for all the mosquitoes. That wasn’t fun….

During the photoshoot my roommate called and said that J had sent flowers. Luckily my parents house is only about a 50 minute drive from my apartment so mom and I hopped in the car and drove to go get them. There’s no way I was going to let them sit in an empty apartment all weekend. And they are STUNNINGLY beautiful. The guy can make this gal happy even 8000 miles away.

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Thursday, the 3rd, was my 24th birthday! I’m getting so old 😉 My birthday is always kind of difficult because most people go up north with their families so no one is really around. But it was a great day spent with family 🙂
My dad and I started my birthday was a local diner with some bottomless coffee.

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The rest of the day consisted on day drinking and a BBQ with the family.

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My grandma didn’t know what to get me for my birthday so we went 50/50 on these amazing new shoes. My nano’s are getting a bit worn so naturally I needed to add another pair of trainers into the rotation. Just like when I ran I had countless shoes going–some things never change.

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Speaking of running. This gal is signing up for a half marathon in November. GASP. Yes, be shocked. I am. In all honesty, my speed on my PT test came when I was running distance and the only thing holding me back from that max PT test is my run time. So time to get my ass in gear.

Then my close girlfriend took me out for martinis on my birthday. Yum! Except they’re toxic. Two and I was…. quite buzzed.
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The Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I wish everyone was as patriotic everyday as they find themselves on the fourth but it’s still great to see all the red, white & blue out and about.
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Being that I don’t live on the lake and my friends in my hometown were all out of town I spent the morning cleaning out my car. After moving it so desperately needed a cleaning…. the things I found were entertaining.

The rest of the day involved more family time, day drinking, and another BBQ. Nothing exciting, yet the relaxation itself is amazing to me.

July 5th–helped my mom clean out our storage shed. Moving me made a mess everywhere since we did it in stages and now it’s so good to say everything is done. Stay tuned for pictures of the new apartment; I love it and don’t want to move out for a couple years if I can swing that with J.

More day drinking (I’m seeing a theme here..) and then the fireworks with my parents and the family I went to Colorado with.

All in all it was a great holiday weekend. I had fully intended to get some workouts in but July is going to be a step-back month for me. I’ve been going hard for a while now and with Annual Training coming up I’ll be out of the box/gym for 14 days anyways. Come August I’m focusing on Crossfit and those goals I have while J is gone, as well as my first CrossFit competition. And incorporating more running into my routine again too.

I came back to my apartment and got two awesome shirts from J for my birthday in addition to the flowers. One is from KANDAHAR CROSSFIT which is where he’s supposed to be, and another says BACON COFFEE FITNESS; the guy knows the way to my ❤
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How was your holiday weekend? Can you believe summer is half over already?

2 thoughts on “The Weekender: Birthday and Fourth of July Edition

  1. Laura @losingrace

    You are NOT old, because if you are old I’m getting OLDER. NOpe. Not happening.

    Im glad you finally got your call from your man, Im sure it must be hard doing the distance especially around holiday’s and birthdays etc.

    HAPPYYYYYYYY Belated Birthday love. You are fabulous don’t ever forget it:)


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