A Big Return

HELLLO! It’s been a long long time, in fact, I think the only reason I am able to write this is because WordPress remembered my password, cause I sure didn’t 😉

It was a chaotic fall–I went through a bit of a funk. Lost, dazed, confused… but J is back from Afghanistan now and things are sure looking up! I’ll write more about that later. But first I wanted to cut to the chase…

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It’s the start of a new year and everyone is writing up their resolutions/goals posts… I tend to make goals and not resolutions. I’m not looking to make any drastic changes because we all know that those are difficult to make and not likely to stick. Instead I’m vowing to make 2015 my year and chase down some of the things I’ve been too scared to actually do.

First and foremost, I will get a new job this year. I never have enjoyed my job… it’s gotten to the point where I cry most nights in bed on work nights now. A big opportunity did just present itself to me {and J…} so I’ve been applying in this area like crazy… police departments, correctional officers, different admin positions; you name it! Cross your fingers.. and toes 😉

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Second, I really intend to consistently blog again. I know I’ve said that before but I have found myself so down in the dumps with all the free-time I do have in the evenings. I’ve struggled lately with not having any friends around anymore, that’s the downside of being in the Army; we’re all scattered. So why not use that downtime and get some of my thoughts out, share recipes, workouts, etc.?! Plus, I’ve missed my own little corner of the interwebs.

Third, get back on my grind of CrossFit and lifting. Ever since I got back from my military training in November and then J returning, I have not been on my A-game… or anywhere near it. I am thinking of getting into power lifting meets come 2016 so I have to get my strength back up there. Hopefully I can find that passion again, I miss it but the motivation is just lagging.

Screen shot 2015-01-05 at 7.22.12 PMLastly, I am going to do another half marathon sometime this year! Probably shoot for the fall since winter training is brutal in Wisconsin.

And it’s not a goal but I’m really really looking forward to what 2015 has in store for J and I. He is so deserving of good things, and I think I deserve it too–it’s been a rough past two years. Here’s to seeing what happens 😀

What are your goals for 2015?

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